It's strange because you'd think that with all these different outlets of communication nowadays, you'd have plenty of places to express your emotions. And yet, in my present state there are so many things I want to tell someone, to someplace but nowhere Weird. I want to tell [x] but I don't want to burden them when they' have other things to think about/do, I want to tell [y] but I don't want to tell them things they don't care about, I want to tell [*] but I think I tell this person such things so much they're sick of it. And then least of all do I feel like I can say anything here. It's like blog has the opposite effect for me now. I don't know where to put all these thoughts...they're raging around in my mind about to burst but I need to somehow keep them bottled up. It feels like....I want to be alone and yet when I'm just sitting here by myself in silence it seems almost dangerous. Yeah I'm not making any sense. -moving on-