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Monday, February 27, 2012 ♥ |
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I am now sitting on my un-sheeted bed because I'm not bothered. Even though I should be packing I have a strange motivation to blog tonight... URGH OF ALL NIGHTS --> 6:30am wakeup tomorrow for 9am lecture. -siiighhhh- Not enough sleep for firsrt day of uni =\ Well at least this time I'm legit blogging! Makeshift to do list when I finish this blog: Put sheets on my bed Brush teeth Read over 'To bring' list for Uni Compile textbook list Pack up wardrobe so I don't trip in the morning Pick out clothes to wear (holy crap mufti!! -inception- urgh...school uniform sounds like such an attractive option now... #fwp) Blowdry hair if not dry yet Put all the new stuffs (vids, uni timetable, music, uni app) on phone Stow away DS (LOL See guise? I'm being responsible OuO no more pokemon to unholy hours of the morning on uni days) Pack bag for uni tmr --> Pencil case, 3 notebooks (I have decided after 4 years of failed high school attempts to use loose leafs that I shall use books and not cram pieces of notepaper into the nooks and crannies of my bags), money for new MyMulti, mini notepad for jotting down stuffs... (not tonight but eventually...very soon) Do 'secret' stuff and tidy up societies stuff (AISEC, D2MG, MODOC, print out SMH voucher email thingy) Do ELISE tutorial and quiz for uni PAY UNI FEES!!!!!!!!!!! Print out textbook list Ummm tidy room in general Buy a more practical diary KEEP CHECKING FOR MORNING JAP LECTURE SLOTS! D< (don't wanna be at uni till 6 on mondays TT) Go back to school for school magazine and to visit Madgers and Mizoshiri sensei (and to use up my Crows Nest-limited GJs free drink) Give rest of souvies out And thus my post will now be extremely bleh and short cos of the time it took to write that up ==" Woke up miraculously to my alarm at 7:30am this morning (Really scared I'd be late so I put my alarm next to my ear on the pillow...and it worked! Method found just in time for uni yaysies).Had enough time to change out my bedsheets, repack my two bags and grab water for dance for once so was pretty proud of myself. Legged it briskly to station --> didn't have to run (more brownie points!) but sweated a bit while power-walking so could've left a bit more time =\ As the train rolled into Town Hall a large group of Japanese backpackers/tourists got on the train and I got very excited...after the 10 seconds it took me to figure out they were Japanese lol. Just as I was about to make a sped fool of myself and ask them about themselves in Jap, they suggested to each other to go upstairs on the train cos it was empty.....Spent the whole 2 minutes from Town Hall to Central smiling at them like a sped from downstairs...TT Got to Central and waited next to the pillar for Kelvin. Had my head down so didn't see nor hear him go around the pillar and scare the crap out of me in an unusually manly voice....DAMN YOU T_______T Nevertheless greeted him good morning and we walked to Gloria Jeans for 'breakfast'...which turned into just drinks cos we're cheap xD. I got a large Cookies and Cream chiller (ROOKIE MISTAKE! Full stomach soooo not worth $6.80) and Kelvin got hot chocolate. I ish sad they don't ask for marshmallows in hot choco anymore =\ They be cheap!! Also, the guy didn't put whipped cream on the chiller until I doubled back and asked for some....and then there was no caramel syrup to go on it which made me infinitely disappointed cos it's the best part of chillers! They make the whipped cream...MOAAARR!! (ok enough about me and my drink fanatics). Chilled (hahahah get it? chilled? chiller?....no?...T_T ) at GJs for quite a while as we talked about stuff on the couch. When we finally finished we walked all the way up to Kinokuniya to bum around. There we trawled around the picture book section and looked for respective books. Kelvin finally found his 'I want my hat back' by Jon Klassen, which turned out to be a hilariously troll and awesome book. May consider buying one day :3 "I HAVE SEEN MY HAT! -sees red-" hahahaha best page EVAR. He was a mean bear tho... (won't spoil the story...but the ending is pretty dark...well for me). I on the other hand looked around for 'The Highwayman' which is a poem/picture book that was read to us by the librarian in year 5. It wasn't an amazing poem or anything but for some reason it stuck in my mind all the way till now so I went looking for it. Rereading it now and looking at the pictures, it's such a tragic story yet so dark....-shudders-. (Why do I do this to myself). And for some reason the image of a musket propped up under her boob and her shooting herself with it was forever ingrained in my poor year 5 mind... =\ We sat in the window area together where Kelvin read me (charmingly of course xD) some picture books. It must've been a funny sight but felt very nice^^. This included a war story book called "The house that baba built" or something by Ed Young (very inaccurate ><" bad memory) which was structurally really appealing but we only got through the first 20 or so pages. Finally we headed off for lunch at mappen where we each got a Regular Whitney Bowl (totally almost ordered in those words too damnit T_T) and tempura. I gots the chicken and Kelvin got sausage which was surprisingly spicy. There is not enough rice in the large Whitney bowl =\ Prefer mini size deffers. But yes ate outside cos we're cool like that. Then we bummed around until rehearsal-ish time. -fastforward 2 hours- (SHE TOTALLY RECOGNISES US NOW T_____T NOT A GOOD THING) We got to Crossover around 2 and everyone was already there bumming around. Kev was teaching Bonnie Yuki and Ruby the unlearned chorey for Warrior so the rest of us chilled and watched Sunday class learning Warrior part 1 where we saw Stacey (who was wearing camo pants!) and Oscar and Terry (who looked very gangster in his new cap...with sticker still attached haha) and other familiar faces. We were being speds on the side (@Kwan I assure you they were up to performance stage so we were not intruding nor intimidating I swear T_T) by doing 'Get down, get down' like a rabbit hopping...LIKE CARMEN'S 'oh Renee! -hops off-' haha. And then me and Dan being like -cups hand next to mouth- 'WOOOAAHHHH' teeheehee. So much lols. nts: Tommi still hasn't figured out that err...yes......... how many more signs should we give?! O_O After class we trained warrior for a bit with the addition of Yuki Bonnie and Ruby~. S-lines ewwww....haha trolling everyone by going all the way down at the chorus. And then found out I was doing the 'HOO HOO' turn on the wrong leg. Gross...unnatural transfer of weight T_T But yes will endeavour to fix that. Also trolling with big arm movements in the stomp part haha. Rest of the arvo was quite slow. Bummed around singing old Chinese classics with Whittles Yuki Elena Carmen and Ruby (and...Kelvin...==") The others filled in the audition for Charity Concert application form...which took a long time cos we were typing um...insightful and truthful answers(?) so me and Kelvin headed out for FroYo from World Square. Saw Angel from across the road on the way and we tried to have a contest on who hi5-ed her but both failed...YES...BOTH FAILED! D< (u did NOT take a dive for me hmph). Decided to go out on a limb and try the Yoghurt parfait which was quite worth the $6. We each bought one and then shouted Carmen one between us for her shouting drinks the other day yaysies. I be trolling and put oreos in with the fruit tho >w< Although general consensus agreed that Carmen's house was definitely a good facilitator for REGULAR yoghurt parfaits! (eh eh eh) As we got back turns out Kev's helpful band of helpers...one of them backspaced on the application form page so it had to be redone. LOL how trollsies. Retype ALL the answers! (How are we unique...lol....sorry for not being single T_T) Also....random note....what Rina told me last night doesnt bother me so much...but now it is definitely on my mind when within vicinity...hmmm... Dindins at Sussex Centre on the way to which we decided to check out BAP store to stalk Young Jae's brother. He was indeed there. People looked at all the outside scrap clothing as well (yayyy no more shoulder-padded unicorn shirt). Had a curry croquette with pasta salad for dinner. Yayy for dinner under $5. At first was going to get a Cha-time with the money I saved (Whittles's yoghurt and lemon smoothie tasted very good today >w<) but decided to be financially smart and drank the water I was so proud of packing this morning yaysies. Also ate Jibbie's 2 slices of cucumber for him lol ( in my defence, he wouldn't have eaten them anyways xP) and tried some of Kelvin's vermicelli-ish meat patty and soup. Finished eating quite early (NOT A MONSTER!!! got my food early T_T) so tried to play some DS but Kelvin stole it back and played footy and GTA on super duper stupid brightness to waste away the precious battery life. T_T~ Charger-lessness is a sad life. Also, we be trolls and taking photos to push down the application form posts on the crew wall...but that did not work out so smoothly to my advantage =\...Damn you Ellyn!!! Sneaky phototaking DDD; As people slowly left we got bleh so we left as well and calculated the shortest route would be to Town Hall (why have we never used google maps to look at it before considering we ALWAYS eat here LOLOLOLOL). Me and Kelvin trying to troll Kev at 7/11 but blew our cover...fail ninjas. Said bye at Town Hall to everyone else, but then just as we descended the stairs to my platform, was met by good ole Alex Peng and Ike Bai. Alex came with us down onto the platform and we were Seamus-ed hard haha. But it was cool cos I hadn't had a good talk with him in a while so it was nice to catch up on the train =) Bumped into him a few times during O-week so it shall be interesting seeing him on campus (MED STUDENT! ;OOO) Kelvin went down to his platform and was super late for his train =\ SORRY! But yes seeing Kelvin talk up to a giant Alex towering over him was quite a sight xD Rest of the night is history!! NOW I BED (after the to-do list). Oh just quickly, got drunk-dialled by Luke as he was being driven home by Matt lol. Turns out the Sb guys + Luke went out drinking on the night before uni and got plastered haha. Good job xD Dwdw Lookyoung...I don't judge. Just take care of yourself bro. ALSOALSOALSO!!! WE GOT INTO THE LIVE AUDITION YAYYYY!!! (News in from Angeween) Congrats everyone on the hard work!! Now we must polishpolishpolish for the end of March -nods-. Urrghhh I'm going to crash soon T_T Nightsies~ Love, BeD; 2:50 AM |
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Saturday, February 25, 2012 ♥ |
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Short dedication post to Rina who I hope never to lose because you are an amazing friend. It shall be short and sweet.
Amen sister.
捨てる Love, BeD; 11:17 PM |
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Monday, February 6, 2012 ♥ |
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Yeah...that's really all I know how to say right now. The only possible reaction. ><" Yeah...just major derp =.=" Love, BeD; 8:29 PM |
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Thursday, February 2, 2012 ♥ |
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As I am always sleeping in these days, I have little to say about my day lol -feels bad- Bad blogger ><" But yes! Have made a 10:30 bedding pact so there shall be more posting from now on :3 BeD hwaiting! >D Picnic was fun, lots of random photos haha. Was nice seeing people I hadn't seen in a while. Feel bad cos the whole day was just being a schleepeh blurgh, but was a nice atmosphere. Indeed devoured a few...many a few...of Paul's savoury pastries ><" -monster- Running away from pigeons during the day funsies haha. Walking back, started raining. A bit down cos of a certain thing, but everything turned out ok =) At the pool place, fell asleep on the chair, then woke up to see Keep Your Head Down playing on the TV and instnatly woke up xD Then came You and I when I started doing the hand motion (one of the only few moves I know from the dance) and then saw people looking at teh space behind me. Turned around to see Whittles and Carmen doing the dance outside the glass window LOL. Gossip was shared among us. Ambushed and interrogated T_T Went with Elena and Whittles to world square Mother's Crepe for dessert in the arvo after hopping over to xo only to be rejected by the lift ><" (on a side note:....ooft ><" Feel for you bro. Hope your eyes have been opened a bit.) Sent whittles off at her bus stop before heading over to wait at Park St. (For once I was the one waiting ;P) Lol got dirtied and talked at by this 'black' guy as he walked past me a few times...awks. After finally meeting up we took the train down and hung out a bit. Then took the train back after an interesting arvo lol. Got back off at the city to eat dinner (finished a large Oiden Curry in 7 minutes...I know you're thinking it but don't say it! T_T) then coincidentally caught the same train as Zac and Cath on the way back. Wednesday was ok. Stayed up late doing stuff (no I serioiusly forgot what I was doing T_T) so I missed UNSW id-ing with Atoms =( SORRY! Trained out when I finally got up and met up with Carmen at her parents's place. Lol did Change facing away from the front of the shop then looked around to see some Sydney Boys staring at me weirdly....classy T_T. Then went to have Oiden with carmen for a late lunch then headed over to xo. No one but the crew there (and Kwaanduck) so was pretty nice and chill. Ellyn is back~ Exciting greeting heehee. Gave her the souveneirs and she chose overblushingly red Charmander and Zombie Charizard (dayum I wish I'd gotten a Charmeleon to complete her set...). Teaching Change with Whittles turned out interesting lol. The crew seemed a bit out of it but we got through the chorey ok. Sorry Whittles for not being much help ><" Kinda felt bad cos we didn't do much to lift the mood. Crew meeting in Studio 4 where we discussed Sixth Sense and then called Jaye. I am now...'Touch touch' LOL. Yaysies for her trench coat costume xD Then dindins at Eating World where susness was endured and my bag...I SWEAR someone moved my bag >[ bleurgh. Got Karaage don from the 'real Japanese food' place and also Pink Grapefruit drink. Funny clues and meticulous planning on Bundaberg bottles went to waste eventually. Skipped out to get fried ice cream from Y2K after unsuccessful run to Maccers. Hahaha Kev's cooperation was very lolsy, so we 'rewarded' him afterwards. Hmm so the whole crew knows now. Not sure what I expected the reaction to be but seems ok? Haha I find it funny to think this whole time Dan had known the non-secret.... SAAAHHH subtle xD In general though thank you guys for being supportive! Now that last hurdle.... Thursday (today) woke up uber late (again T_T) so had to walk out to station via umbrella. Wore the boots I got from China and could feel blisters coming after 2 mins walking but ceebs walking back so endured for the rest of the day via bandaid. The rain was annoying... Met up at Central (sorry for making u wait T_T) then bused to UNSW to get ID. Lol was like a private tour of campus as we walked around in the rain. The Quad looks rly nice :3 Got to FMA too late but then turned out ID was in the library instead. Made it in time, and then embarassingly got my student number wrong...awks.... "Did you enrol under 'Lynn'?" derp. The photo on my card turned out weirdly dark...I look almost dark-skinned xD Bused it back to Central then trained down while playing pokemon Soulsilver on DS. Woowww the 3Dish graphics look pretty sweet. Haha yaysies for rotating pokeballs. Bummed for a bit to dry off (-cough-) and ended up wasting a bit too much time... stop making yourself late! >[ Lol trapped cos of stupid door xD Then took the train back home and made it in time for dinner with heaps of time to spare. nts: Don't wear heeled boots when its raining...==" 'enclosed' shoes are a placebo hmph. (lol don't think I'm making sense) Jap-style curry for dinner tonight. Me and Kev were like ";OOOOOOOO -grabs flat plate and flips bowl of rice then pours curry on the side-" Kev: "Curry rice~!! ^w^ <3" Mum called us 'mow liu" haha. Ate especially a lot for dinner...even had seconds for rice haha. -monster- Observing that last bit, I think I'm havin a curry phase...hehe -derp- Now i'm craving a Whitney bowl tho T_T Now to go shower so I won't break the deal =) 10:30 for 2 days extension! LET'S GO! P.s. should I go dance tomoz? Not sure if anyone will be there... Love, BeD; 11:34 PM |
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Wednesday, February 1, 2012 ♥ |
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Hmmm... blogging as has been requested. Yet I know I'm going to be smacked around for blogging at this hour haha. In my defence, I was thinking about stuff. OH and watching a new anime that I started last night (fail all nighter attempt LOL --> crashed at 7:00am) The new anime I'm watching is called 'Kaichou wa maid-sama' ('President is a maid') and it's rly cute. Heehee, I really missed seeing these dokidoki moments >w< So nostalgic. Those moments that make your cheeks feel warm and you can't help but giggle and squeal a bit. YES I'M A GIRL AND AM ALLOWED TO REACT LIKE THAT T__________T Such...an immature fangirl. Yeah this is definitely weird. First thing I blog about in ages is an anime about maids. I daresay its not a kinky anime xP Those who watch it will understand. IT'S NOT DODGEH T_T Hmm....so a lot has happened. Since I last blogged, since the new year, since I left for China, since I came back. It would take too long to recount it all. It's up here -taps head- and that's all that matters to me =). Why? because my experiences were my own, and as much as I regret not being able to share them afterwards with others, it's enough that they happened at all. And that I will remember them. -appreciative moment- OR I'M JUST BEING HIGH AND RANDOM AT 3:20am IN THE MORNING AHAHAHAHAHA~ (yeah I realise I'm not making sense...and attempts to think deeply fail...epicly) Quick recounts via keywords of past few days. Chinese New Year Parade 29/01/2012: Past 10am --> punishment! LOL not really. Thank you for picking me up^^ Was nice seeing you in the morning :3 And then schleeping on the train ehehe. Breakfast at Pancakes on the Rocks! (at harbourside). waaahhhh it's been a while. Got Picadinny(?) Dawn which was a very interestingly-textured hash brown and other stuff like pineapple :3 and also [something....mind blank] Tropo (the one with walnuts and banana and choc sauce) for Dessert^^ Although they were nice I must say I prefer Chocolate Room...although for days where Death by Chocolate sounds feasible haha. Laying on the grass opposite Darling Harbour Park to chill. Sometimes it's nice to just slow down and peacefully....lie there. 好きな人とゆっくりして、幸せな気持ちだった。Then was pulled over to Kelvin and Kevin's secret game and all was revealed. Haha had little to do with it but congrats. So much effort!! ;O BOTH OF YOU (the other one who's celebrity spy makeup looked quite awesome too haha). Good work, very impressive. Also bumped into Cath and Zac at Maccers as Kev got lunch. HAHAHAHAHA we have the best timing I swear. Just as I saw her xD <3 Struggling to keep up with the dynamic duo as they spy-mission-ed all the way back to George St. Wild goose chase down the street where we no doubt attracted a lot of attention haha. Finally got to the studio where gossip was shared among those in the know, and Kev was welcomed to the circle. Saw Angeween and also Leslie in Studio 4 for the first time in AGES! (Typically greeted by name Becky T_T) Must remember to give them souveneirs blah. Leslie and Dan practicing S-Lines. Hmm wanted to migrate but can't be helped, group was very full. Plus enjoyed being with Jibbie Bonnie and Leslie in our awesome team^^ Much lols and trolls haha. Jimmy and Kwaanduck were also in our group =) Teaching Kwaanduck the routine. Stupid big bro, had to drag him to practice haha -hug- Also helped the other girl from Toby's group with the routine. She kept popping in Only You, made it hard to teach her the straight moves but I tihnk she got it in the end =) Side ponytails with Bonnie~ We so childish haha. Breaktime at World Square where sneak moments were stolen. LOL under the counter...SO NOT SUSS. Too bad they only have the $4.80 Frozen yoghurts now...but I concur with Kelvin, the mango flavor does indeed taste better xP Bluberry syrup tasted surprisingly good. On the way back Emily taking photos of 'unsuspecting' bromance and ...'other' photos. Lol totally not planned. Nigel moments but couldn't complain. Then got recruited into the reds and admittedly felt a lot better, but at the same time a lot more chimey T_T Still, did my best to help Jibbie with our group, especially on the way from XO to Hyde Park. Also me Dan and Dabdio having fun with I Am the Best --> -manvoice- -steals mic- 'POP ASIAAAAAA!' and hence into intimidation mode as I tower of Cruella de Vill LOL 'NAEGA JEIL JAL NAGA!' (urgh later caught on close-up film by Reese screaming this...classy T_T) Ahh yeah...the black shorts weren't as bad as you made them out to be... but next time remember a belt xD Finally got to the marshalling(?) area where all the parade performers were gathered. Stayed there fro ages where we got all psyched and then crashed in excitement levels. Me and Jibbie and Pearlyn to an extent lead our group in a very Jaye warmup and stretch routine heehee. Was fun doing it with all these ppl who knew what we were on about haha. Yayy for Leslie and Bonnie joining in! Then Kelvin's group in front of us started doing it as well...COPYCATS D< Challenging Lion/dragon dancers behind us to dance and muscle battles. Lifted Jibbie like a monster, and wanted to get Whittles out with me to do a GHH style battle but couldn't find her T_T Next time >] Jaye at first told me to be a roaming leader and going around bossing ppl and hyping up performers and the crowd, but then he pulled me up front to stay with Whittles and walk at the front of the parade. SOOOO intimidating T_T But gave me the nerves to become excited and dance again. Was happy to be with Whittles up front as we lead with Jaye and Dani. Took a while to get used to the pace and how to dance but got the hang of it pretty soon. The dance itself....UUUURRRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH. Such a trek from hyde park all the way down to the Oriental Gardens area. And horse shit all over the ground haha. But was an exhilirating experience...literally for me ><" Wish I'd taken a puff if I knew it'd be so strenous. Because we were up front, we had room to run plus had to set the pace of the parade so us 4 at the front had dead tiring jobs T_T -hug- good work Whittles! I was dripping with sweat by the end of it and could barely breath. Jelly legs too xD When we finally got down to the end, had a dance battle/performance with the little Korean kids from the festival the day before. So cute and talented. Dedication too!! 4 years!! So much respect. Also chilled with Whittles to rest up and updated her about the day. Teehee moment as she went and bothered the other one about it. Got pulled over for what I thought would be a legit yelling but spider moment happened instead. Whittles's reaction....gold. That is all. Very hi5 worthy even though I accidentally pulled away a bit cos I was anticipating getting told off T_T Sorry! Also pigyback in group photo LOL Another touch of nostalgia :3 Walking back up studios and the fireworks went off. -sense of inner happiness :3- Back at the studio got icecream in cups and jamming in the studio. Did lots of songs and old routines and stuff such as Crazy (haha yelling) and Change and Look Only At Me. And of course our dear old Troublemaker. -Looks around at 'ottoke'; THUMP THUMP THUMP- YOU GUYS ....urgh just -facepalm- xD But was nice doing it after so long hehe. And no fear, shoving buddies will definitely return haha. Also tried Sixth sense...in the sense (haha you get it?) that we tried knocking off those 3 screaming high notes haha. So much lols. hi5 Whittles and Kelvin! (although I'm sure we were way off xD) Going out for Pizza collection which didn't even end up happening blurgh. Me Kevin Huy and Kelvin wandering up and down from Town Hall. The duo bounded off down the street out of sight, leaving me to be interrogated by Huy about the secret haha. urrrghhh not good at this T_T Had to fight to keep from spilling. "Is it his weakness?" I dno, is it? ;] Back and we ate pizza and garlic bread for late dinner. Just chilling. Review of videos (Lol congrats Duck =)) and couch sussness appazza? Left eventually (after going back again to get my phone back T_T -spaced out-) and took the train home. Empty first carriage haha, was nice. Driven from Pymble to house. Light rain indeed^^ Slept as soon as I finished showering and fell asleep with my hair wet and yet still managed to sleep 15 hrs from 2am to 5pm ><" daayuuummm BAHAHAHAHAHA Good work Seamus. That moment was gold. That is all. As for you, -empathetic hug, giggles- I lied...blogging about the past few days is too hard T_T Tuesday 31st Feb will be included in next post. Group picnic! And visit to the dump ;P (I don't mean that btw haha. I really didn't mind ;P) Urgh...so I still need to finish learning Change to teach for class today T_T I think after getting my UNSW ID and lunch buddies I shall go sleep somewhere until 4 xD Today will be the first time hanging out with crew as a crew in a long time^^ Missed you guys <3 Also hope I don't COMPLETELY embarass myself in class T_T Hmm would like to know what that line means but am confused and too wussy to ask straight out xD Morning all~ (fwark 4:15am) Love, BeD; 4:15 AM |
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