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Tuesday, December 27, 2011 ♥ |
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Lol although a lot has gone past, not much to say. This year's christmas has been nice =) I've mostly spent it with ppl who I care about and have been able to have a lot of fun^^ Thank you to all those who took the time to share some memories with me this year =) Family friends who I havn't seen in a long time together at my house, outing group at the beach, the crew, I'm so thankful to everyone. Yet there are still so many I wish I could see =( Special thanks to my co-agent in Operation Duck Coaster for the incredible lols we shared and lots of fodz we ate xDD Too many anniversaries >[..... Stop making contact so there won't be so many! T_T And now everytime I pass Chatswood or listen to Wake Me Up Before You Gogo I'll either cringe or crack up...WAH D; Hopefully Movie Marathon at Joey's place and NYE at Mr B's will be incredible! Would be a wonderful way to finish the year^^ Yayy for today's relatively pricey but good-valued buys. Haha mum's normally disparaging verdict was positive so must have done something right xD Can wear them soon hopefully^^ (Mr B's? =D) I'm glad I've been patient this time =) Maybe something wonderful will come of it^^ Here's to hoping!!
Learn to take one step at a time~ there's no need to rush.
It's like learning to fly, or falling in love.
It's gonna happen when it's supposed to happen
And we find the reasons why. One step at a time.
It's a bit late but Merry Christmas everyone =) Especially to those I wish I could see right now but are too far out of reach; wherever you are, whatever you're doing, I'm hoping you're happy.
(I don't know...I'm feelin quite belatedly festive and giddy x] )
Damnit...parents said they'd help me drive today but they've been gone so long its now getting dark TT Love, BeD; 7:38 PM |
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Saturday, December 17, 2011 ♥ |
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Before I forget, I am happy to be talking with you again =) Not in the 'possessive' way == As in...it's nice where we are now =) Comfortably there, not in foreground or background.^^ Also, thank you to the crew esp Jibbie and Kelvin who I saw on thurs for being supportive about my result <3 Thurs 15/12/2011 Oh yeah so Atar came out. I don't particularly wanna talk too much about it. It defs wasn't amazing...but as long as I can scrape myself into Int Studies at UNSW I should be fine. I guess I will always think back to the mark and think what I could've done differently. But I'm not really the type to stay hooked to one moment or thing. Nor care too much. Living life as it comes =) Went to Atar breakfast late...like an hour late lol. Didn't particularly want to face ppl...as much as I love our school the pressure of being surrounded by high achievers and state rankers and all rounders is just...too much sometimes. ><" So I popped in my number and visited a few teachers. Sensei is a tiny bit disappointed I think...but we had a good chat anyway. Ran an errand for her to Ms Banks, lol she still abuses us even after we've graduated. Took the bus out to city with Sabbers and Phil and stuff. Met Kelvin halfway to Wynyard and had to decide what to eat for lunch. We ended up getting Subway yayy~ Sweet Onion Chicken teriyaki x3 Also awks...I asked for teriyaki sauce and the guy automatically picked up Sweet Onion...could totes imagine in his head 'urgh...this girl...' T_T I'm not dumb....rly... Took our fodz down to Darling Harbour Park where we sat down and ate. After finishing eating we chilled on the grass next to the old Maccers and just talked about stuff. Like a lot...I don't quite remember all of it haha. During this I got birdshit all over my jacket and jeans T_T Looked so bad cos my jacket was white lol... Yeah paranoid about rolling around in grass now damnit. Also, Lauren Mel and Christine (?) walked past when we were migrating to the steps...I think Lauren glanced at me then ignored me...awks. ><" But yeah Kelvin recognised Mel so we were pretty sure it was them. Jibbie joined us for arvo eating, heehee he woke up at 12 again. We went Maccers for a late arvo tea, Jibbie got a nuggets meal while me and Kelvin got soft serves. Bumped into Dejian who was also talking to Giselle and Jess Kang. Don't think they remember me lol. Also so Dania and Kelvin was being a creepy pedo...== We then went to Gelatissimo~~~ YAYY^^ Shared a 2-scoop cup of Mango and Passionfruit sorbet with Kelvin cos we're poor...TT Jibbie got creme caramel in a cup :3 We sat on the wharf outside Imax and ate. Nice weather...if only it'd be like this for tomorrow (Saturday). We adventured through the city from Kings (something) Wharf around to Games Workshop where Kelvin chatted up the store guy....no I kid...the store guy was trying to sell so bad lol. Stupid Kelvin said something dodgy...T_T Implications are misleading blurgh. Me and Jibbie wandered around the store. It was cool touching the boards with the 3D landscapes. The lord of the rings display was pretty fascinating...cos it's the only one I know haha. Then we walked to Kino where we checked out the comic books and picture dictionaries for Jibbie. WAAAHHHH I want the 8th and 9th volumes of Rurouni Kenshin Vizbig T_T but soooo expensive... $23...=( Ah well...one day. I accidentally said DG instead of DC Comics cos I was out of it and the C looked like a G in my head....so embarrassing...such a derp ;( We then walked all the way down to Caps where we played Taiko no Tatsujin for realsies~!! Heehee so much fun. Jibbie and Janet are rhythm fails xD (Oh yeah Janet came during this btw) Wanted the Mameshiba toy sooooooo baaaaaaaddddd T_T The pea was cuter but I would've settled for the bean toy...but we had fail claw skillz. Damnit... And I still want the big fat hamster D< -sigh- Ran over to Karebear cos of awks and stuff. Found a Plusle and Minun twin plushies ^w^ But their ears weren't properly stuffed =( Waited around for a long time before the rest of the group showed up at Yumei. Talked to Sharon properly irl for the first time wheee. Also Jibbie was very considerate and checked up on me <3 HWAITING! BE STRONG! >] Didn't eat much cos of povs. Also had to keep checking cos I was paranoid of stuff...blurgh. Didn't drink and left after everyone was going back to studio. Walked with Kelvin and Janet back to Central. Tsunami....==" Went home then. Late night pictionary again woot~ So funny. Wolf = AWOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! And lollypop sugar sack bahahaha. Friday 16/12/2011 Woke up quite late, headed out to lunch buddy at Pepper Lunch with Carmen and Kelvin. Curry chicken Rice for HAPPY HOUR~ ALSO GOT FREE DRINK VOUCHERS! net gain >] Ate before seeing Kevin Tina and Danvid through the window in Mappen. Yayyy~ spontaneous run-ins! Dan told us about David's embarassing incident with Wendy...the girl who 'wears pants' LOLOLOLOL woops. Then Kelvin left for museum Got coat-hangered...>< Went with Carmen to the high quality solicitor's office in Martin Place. Playing with gravity in the lift lol. Then went back to studio where we jammed in studio 1 until Troublemaker part 2 class. Very troll class, Jaye got us to switch roles lol. Kelvin was being his usual self...which made class very tiring TT. We're going to have to practice hard now that we've learnt the whole routine lol. On the beach....blurgh....==" Danvid watched our antics up close (and perssonnaaalll ;]). So many dodgy moves lol. Most of us skipped Pop pop pop class (SORRY JIBBIE!!! T_T You didn't get to use your awesome candy can staff D;) and went to Soosecks centre for dinner. Awks stuff...my bad ><" Also Yuki tagged along and we talked more about stuff and got her to guess ages lol. The surprises were thinking Kelvin was 19 and Dudu was 23 bahahahaha so good. Oh and the ongoing injoke of Jibbie's age xD Resident dubbers were doing it again with the TV drama lol Talked about beach stuffs. Played Taiko no Tatsujin on Kelvin's DS with Yuki and we epically failed the difficult mode T_T (as you can tel I'm rly not bothering much with this post cos I'm so tired...) Left for home via TH cos parents were being btchy about me being out late. They were gna go neutral bay Sushi Samurai if I had come but by the time I got their message I'd bought dinner =\ Walked with Danvid and Kelvin to TH where we saw Janet walking in front of us. Kelvin stalked her from behind then we also bumped into Nancy and her friends. THey stopped there so I ran to catch my train but for once all the gates were closed and I needed to buy my ticket. Plus I was being fail with EFTPOS cos I had no coins...and I didn't know that you jsut put in you card then take it back our.. Point is I missed my train cos of my noobness and saw Janet and Kelvin and Danvid leaving even as I was still buying my ticket blurgh. Train home. Pictionary night YAYYY~ Had more players than usual :3 Lots of fun with Kingdom Hearts and Oxymorons LOLOLOL Stupid gourmet hamburger and sandwiches LOL... Now I'm going to finish packing and folding my laundry before I can go to sleep T_T Dabido is calling me at 7 for wakeup call...-cries- yay for beach tomoz~ Should be interesting...damnit...-inner thigh-...T____________T Love, BeD; 4:03 AM |
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Feeling...meh. Like I don't feel like blogging. Knowing that Whittles will probs end up reading this out...HI GUYS! xDD I have not much interesting to talk about... Oh wait. we got our HSC results today...ohh yeah that thing... Well my results aren't ideal but quite frankly right now I'm too tired to care. We'll see tomorrow morning how much I screwed up blurgh. If I'm lucky I'll scrape the cutoff but unlikely. Oh yeah so I should recap about yesterday. 13th Dec, Tuesday. Not much today either. Just woke up in the morning with the plan to go school to sign out but was wayyyy to lethargic. Ended up training it to city to lunch buddy. Was a nice and hot day...black jeans ended up burning my legs T_T But otherwise a nice lunch in Hyde Park with Kelvin where we ate Hungry Jacks. Classy no? Kelvin was abusing ibises...==" Oh funny story...actually not so funny...not sure O_o On the way to Hyde Park an Amnesty volunteer yelled out..."STOP IF YOU LOVE EACH OTHER!" .....-walks faster- TROLOLOLOL Afterwards I walked to Martin Place where I caught the 200 to Chatswood. Walked into Westfield thinking that the store I needed to go was there...then halfway in had a brainfart and realised that the stall was in Chatswood Chase == EFFORT! So trekked it down to Chase where I hung around the pen stall for ages until I settled on the most expensive set cos they were the most nicest (wonderful english ==) looking pens. Apart from the dodgy playboy symbol on them they were pretty sexy. Dark blue patterns, one fountain and one rollerball ink pens. Got them engraved with 'ALISON ATOMS'11' but they forgot the apostrophe T_T LOL was so tempted to scratch the insignificant dots in myself. But resisted the temptation. Then went home... AND DROVE YAY~ Dad drove me to Bobbin Head where we cruised around for a bit. Another 1 hr 15 mins under my belt LOL... And I drove all the way back to my house for the first time~ Lol...I find it sad that I was excited about driving through a traffic light for the first time... WAIT i don't mean run a red light! As in...drive...through an intersection...O_O OK nvm. I can now...U-turn, turn LOL, reverse, and go up and down steep heels...SHIT *hills... (brain turning to mush) Yeah in my defence I've only driven 2 hrs 45 mins total... The fastest I've gone is 50 LOL. Anyways...that was pretty much that day. Kevvy got his SC results. Hmmm... must help him more =( <3 TODAY Urgh...feeling even more not bothered right now... Anyways. Trekked it to school in the morning where I went around signing out. Was nice to see all the teachers again, like Ms Cleghorn who had a nice long chat with me =) Told me about her stuff at the Con and how she believes everything happens for a reason. Hmm food for thought. Met Carmen at the library. Then bused it to the city with Carmen where we split off, Carmen going to Whittles's grad ceremony and me lunch buddying with a hungry person. Oiden for the first time woot! Cheapest thing on the menu - Curry Rice yayy~ Was actually surprisingly filling and yummy^w^ And then of course the regular douching and bashing up. Sat in the wind tunnel at World Square. Brought the foam gun that Kevy bought recently and used it to make someone stay...hmmph. xP Elena Kathy and Edison dropped by, before they took Edison to the station and came back. We chilled for a bit before going to Secret Room to check it out for Super Secret Present. Yayy for testing out stuff and the dodgy sideways desktop lol. Ran into Tina on the way up btw. Hmmm... Kelvin left and Kevin hung with us after buying lunch from Hungry Jacks. We chilled in World Square again (almost exact same spot lol) and palyed around on Kevin's mac. After a while went to CO to wait for Jaye to open the lift, during which time we were joined by Ellyn David and Daniel~ Clap by Teen Top class~ Was more fun than I expected but also quite tiring. Me and Carmen and Jibbie were in one group and had lots of fun pretending to be emo mime clowns and monkey waiters xD Overall the routine was quite interesting. Afterwards we went to Hotplate place where we dodgily stole Fish crisp vouchers then doubled back to go in haha. the food was rllllyyy nice (a bit expensive T_T) and filling. Sat next to Yuki who I got acquainted with :3 She's from Yokohama and learns English in Uni in Hungary!! =OOOO Yayy for Jap skills heehee. Also showed her the Japanese Dating Tradition vid hahaha...she must've loved it espesh cos she knows the context xD Had Sirloin steak cos I'm manly like that...x) Afterwards had to dodgily get Jaye to come to Secret Room cos he was being all uncooperative xP but after a while eventually got him to come and we showed him out present of a video =) It was rly amazing watching everyone's incredibly practiced routines and messages heehee. It all felt so surreal watching ourselves on TV. I felt like crying when Jaye was talking to us after TT It has been a very long time indeed. Oh and I featured way too heavily in the bloopers reel T_T cos I'm a fail...noob...klutz... whatever u wanna call it... Overall I think Jaye really liked the video though so yayy! <3 I'm actually finishing this post on friday night...and I havn't even written about thurs and fri...urggghhh...EFFORT! T_T Ok I will attempt to start a thur and fri post. BRB~ Love, BeD; 3:28 AM |
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Tuesday, December 13, 2011 ♥ |
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I havn't posted about Elena's bday but there wasn't much to say apart from what was said on the day. Just a huge happy birthday to now-18 yr old Elena <3 The rest of the day is pretty much documented well so I'm not going to attempt to recount it. A very long and tiring day for me... -stomach cramps T_T- and to Kelvin: NOT DAI YEE MA! >[ Thanks to BeX for her suggestiong of warm water which helped me staight away!! <3 Wish I'd thought of it 4 hours before though xD And to BeX and Cath for a very insightful train ride home haha (implode then exhale xD) And to BeX's family for the drive home^^ Yesterday (well 2 days ago) we had a very long day of dance~ 10am to 8pm!! (plus dessert until 9:30 :3) Started off with Cry Cry practice where we worked in Nancy and Terry into the routine. Special guests~ thank you for the effort guys! Went for lunch afterwards at Pepper Lunch in Haymarket for the first time. Not bad haha. Kevin, Kelvin, Elena and Huy (and me) had a quick lunch while talking about stuffs...like games and making parody MV's haha. Then walked back up for Troublemaker workshop wheeeeee! Yeah...this was interesting ><" Did the workshop with Kelvin as partner...need I say more? -facepalm- Spent most of the lesson bashing him up...and trying to avoid being molested xD Found a physical weakspot on the way though...hehe >] It was good entertainment at least I guess haha. Special mention to JIBBIE AND CARMEN who were soooo sexayyyyy....in a role-reversal kind of way xDD Kevin also looked majorly boss...like OOFT! (Good job Elena xD) And Ellyn being all creepy with Angeween heehee. Apparently me and Kelvin are now the Troublemaker subunit...bleeeuuuurrghhh T_________T Which means we have to learn the whole dance...and do it without being weird and...shoving buddies haha. I have less solo so WIN! (sucked in >] ) Then we went back to rehearsal. The shirt I grabbed last minute from my mum for Cry Cry turned out being too low ( ><") so instead I wore my singlet. Also had to borrow Carmen's red belt so we ended up matching for the Troublemaker performance :3 (she was wearing a red tie) --> cos Kelvin had to leave for work >[ -ditched- The I Just Got Fuse'd collab of Janet Gracie Jibbie David and Dan was rly nice :3 I felt incredibly uplifted and happy watching their performance. It made me smile and laugh a lot^^ Thank you guys so much!! And the rest of the performances (albeit few) were awesome too. I especially liked Henry's hip hop class's one cos it had so much swag^^ Oh and ME AND CARMEN GOT A TAX!!!!!!!! -major excited- Cos we were being all seedy and touchy feely bahahahaha. Special thanks to Sabbers, Jassy and Lauren for coming to watch the performance! =) Our Cry Cry performance seemed to go ok (although I bashed into Jibbie at the beginning a few times TT) Me and Dan came up with the seedy pose thing after the slide move heehee SPONTANAEITY FTW~ After the performance we filmed the cover as well as the intro!!! heehee so much lols. Afterwards trekked it to LNC Dessert (first time ;O) for dessert. Got a strawberry and lychee slush gelato thing. Was nice but a bit watery. Might try the snowflakes next time =) Also got an Iced Passionfruit green tea with Carmen. Was a very nice night^^ Just talking and chilling with people I care about and who I can be happy with~ Despite all of us coming from different backgrounds and ages, we can just bypass all that. It's a wonderful thing in retrospect <3 (now i'm just being weirldy sentimental...err... LITTLE ASIAN KIDS! >D -return of the creeper-) When leaving we passed by Dancekool (the new studio) and I thought it was a bit sad that it had become like this. I started remembering how the studio used to be when I still went almost 2 years ago. And talked to Ellyn about the dying business of old dance studios =\ -sigh- At town hall as everyone left we talked about stuff in and outside of the gate (literally...cos all the gates were open haha). On the platform we were having CROSS-PLATFORM COMMUNICATION again~ heehee. This is gna become a trend. Me and Kevin especially cos I think we're on adjacent platforms going home. Made small talk before our trains came. Then went home after a long, but fulfilling day^^ (I just realised I sound like a rly big airhead in this post...TT) Then today (yesterday) met up with Kelvin and Jibbie for lunch in the city. (I just realised I didn't end up shouting u guys drinks for being late LOL). Low quality (actually not really?) lunch at Oporto where we tried the new potato bite things. MISLEADING ADS! D< but the sauce was nice :3 Sooo overpriced though TT Gave Jibbie the rest of my chips but otherwise ate all of my double fillet burger meal. Kelvin left to go back to museum and me and Jibbie walked aimlessly while talking about stuff until we got to market city where we found a bench and just talked for an hour(ish) about everything. Was really nice to get to know him cos I havn't talked much with him before like this. He told me about his life in Thailand and about his past experiences. And we both talked about our secrets...I sort of surprised him haha. Oh and creepiness...haha... At around 4:15 we headed over to Crossover to drop by and say hi to Jaye maybe but he was out at Korean Culture Office teaching class so we decided might as well wait and take Girls Hip Hop class. Went and got Chatime then chilled in Studio 1 where the speaker failed, then moved to Studio 2. We practiced Troublemaker and after doing it without partners it feels like we actually havn't done much chorey =\ -sigh-. Also Jibbie taught me The Boys^^ Thank you~ Cos I had been meaning to at least learn the chorus and bridge, cos everyone seems to know it =( And also we douched around with Shanghai Love for a bit^^ Jess, Mish and Selina came for Girls Hip Hop and we caught up a bit =) Jaye turned up to class half an hour late lol. typical xD We did L.I.C.K.Y (that is SUCH a btch to type ><") and it was a bit bizarre to be doing GHH again after kpop for so long. But ultimately had a lot of fun with Jibbie doing it. Had a 'Change' Deja Vu moment where Jaye told us to show cleavage, and proceeded to show us it was easy by showing his own enforced cleavage...-scarred- TT. And the motivational strategy used by Jaye to do the kissing and rejection move...urgh...why Jaye?! whyyyyyyy?! T_____________T Everyone laughed very hard...blurgh. Haha oh the irony. As class finished, we left and I bumped into Zac and his group. He offered to take train with me to Pymble but they got distracted by street Bboys xD On the train home got a surprising text from Jibbie which really made me...like...it made me so happy and grateful. Thank you so much for your advice. Even if you think you're spoiled and stuff...you are so amazingly mature (well maybe that's your age speaking but still!). love you Jibbie! You're an amazing person =) HWAITING! And I think that's all for tonight. Going to crash school tomoz to sign out (hopefully) and then lunch buddy. URGH low quality lunch plox...My wallet is digesting itself empty... as is my stomach T_T On an ending afterthought...no respect. That is all. Hmmm...for lack of a better way to end this monster post...BESUTO CHOISU~ xD Night =) Love, BeD; 2:42 AM |
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Saturday, December 10, 2011 ♥ |
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Haha so I'm sitting outside in the corridor of secret. I guess I'm not feeling down...just don't quite feel into it. One rooms playing mah jong (haha that auto corrected to Mahood Hong,) and the other playing cooking mama on wii and Mafia. I can hear brees hysterical laughter haha. Sometimes it just feels good to be alone and thinking, knowing that in the other side of the wall everyone's happy. Elena's happy so that's all that matters :) <3 Had a fun d&m (haha although its contents were debatale in its d&mness haha xD) till 5:30 this morning :3 much fun and lols haha. Its been a while since I can just talk like that with a friend. And it was on Skype too heehee ^^~ thank you for putting up with the analogy awks xP Shoutout to Luke who is sitting across from me right now x) sorry for worrying u...and ur a TB :) haha DONT HIT ME BTCH XP Update later. Oh yeah....'funsies'. TT Love, BeD; 1:54 PM |
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Early morning post woot! Feeling impulsive this morning...blogger-wise... No I lie. It's actually because I didn't see Sabbers cos I woke up an hour after we were meant to meet up T_T Sabbers...thank you for being understanding (not much to understand tho...I'm just a horrible friend x( ) And like I said, 5 question passes as punishment xDDDD Hope you have fun in Parra instead today =( I love you girl! It is Elena's bday today~ Woot =) Dedication post later...at night...if I don't crash when I get home haha. <3 Hmmm should I tell her? Looks like things could get nasty. Hmmmmmmm. Love, BeD; 9:14 AM |
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Friday, December 9, 2011 ♥ |
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1. I have random tuffs of hair that stick up at the top of my head TT If you look closely I look like a carrot... 2. I havn't been able to breathe properly recently. Like I always feel like I'm half suffocating... So far I blame my recent sore throat but I'm kind of worried it's gna be permanent... 3. It still hasn't come...shieeettt... 4. It's sad that there aren't many people who don't guard themselves constantly...everyone's afraid. 5. My costume still smells and looks like the Darling Harbour slide TT Replacement!! 6. Stubborness will destroy relationships. 7. I need to go to Chatswood to: a) pick up package from Sabrina, b) pick up the present 8. Even though you're not here anymore...you're everywhere. 9. I need to stop. It's over before it's begun. 10. I don't have a tenth point...10 just looks better than 9 xDD I am going to attempt to sleep before 2am...haha Love, BeD; 1:07 AM |
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Thursday, December 8, 2011 ♥ |
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Baby can`t you see the look in my eyes
슬픔에 빠진 내 두눈을 봐 Oh Oh 붉은 태양보다 더 뜨겁게 사랑했던 나를 울리지마
TT-ara Love, BeD; 11:17 PM |
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is the word. In many areas of my life. I guess it's a bad factor of my personality...if I'm too focused on one thing I'll forget to tend to other areas of my life. Someone recently...and always has...told me that I take things for granted. It's true. For example, to the schoolies returnees, I havn't repaid money yet. On that note...sorry to ppl who have expressedly told me how broke they are and need the bond fee back. I should not be taking ppl's leniance(? english noob) for granted. I've also been neglecting this blog. A long time ago I stopped blogging daily because I told myself I wanted to spend my time experiencing things rather than try to remember it all and writing it down. (If you read my ex-blog it was so detailed it was like...realtime script...ok that doesn't make sense -brainfart-) But yeah...it's not rly an excuse. Even if it's small...you should stick to commitments. Also cos another person recently pointed out I hadn't blogged in a while, and I wonder if people actually still check here for posts... is it even worth checking? I've also neglected my room. It's a pile of crap haha. I have stuff from formal scattered around my desk cos I'm not bothered to clean it up...I havnt even cleaned out my school notes yet (maybe I'll burn them at the beach x) ) (<-- eww double chin) (<---mature...) The rose from nsb formal is standing up next to my mirror...dead... (sorry!! TT) Oh yeah...I'm drying out my buckaneers from formal to keep them as a memoir. The bigger one is taking a lot longer xD So those are just sitting on my table. Yesterday I figured out that my white speaker doesnt work anymore. The one that loks like an eyeball haha. I should probably get a new one in china or make do with the tacky black one with a millian cables and stuff haha. Today me and Carmen spent 2(?) hours in a changeroom at Paper Scissors just talking. Lol i think i ran into the door a few times so it sounded dodgy BAHAHAHA (-immature-) Also pretended to have a model shoot moment for the trolls in Dangerfield where we took a photo in the mirror being blown by the fan. hehe. (would upload but ceebs to set up flickr...) My tummy hurts TT I blame the non-curry chicken pepper rice. Hmm this is fun... i should blog again... (LOL i wonder how hard it is to keep up with my mind...I segue so easily xD -cue Nat Tran's segue movement-) I miss the atoms. I've been hanging with the crew a lot recently and it makes me happy. But I miss the different kind of happiness I found with our group, the atmosphere we had at schoolies. Just pure us. Together as one (LIKE AN ATOM bahahaha...<---non-science fail) You have no right. You really don't. Not to judge them. Me maybe, but not them. Not all of us. AIMING FOR A WEEK CHYEAH~! haha I wonder if you'll get this xD Anonymity(? ENGLISH FAIL~! D;) should not be taken for granted. I shouldn't take it for granted. Eventually I'll be found out. He noticed already... Oooo Carmen let me try her All berry bang Boost today. I liked it :3 might have it more...if I'm not povo. Today we had a cheap(ish) lunch...YAYY FOR 3 stamps!!!!!!!!! BeX, even though I don't think you read this...I really hope you are happy. (this is completely random and doesnt have anything to do with anything but talking about something today triggered this thought.) I know I seem (SEEM?!) like a creeper but I think I'm just very protective of you. I'm sorry for being touchy feely and weird (no homo i swear T_T) but thank you for being my friend <3 you're a wonderful person and I wish you luck on your ongoing baking ventures haha^^ UNDERWEAR LINES AH NUUUU T__________T Oh yeah, I finally got respectable denim shorts today wheeee~ xD It's been a while since I've gone shopping haha. Slowly...I want to start again. But not now. Which is why it's ok that you don't care anymore. Care less until you forget about everything. Perhaps...it's the only way. I'm not going to apologise. The ball's in your court. And I'm leaving it there. (analogy fail...?) Shoutout to Kelvin. Thankyou for the long talk last night. Helped put a well 'experienced' perspective on it x) As you can tell my english has gone DOWN THE DRAIN T________T Troublemaker dance workshop on Sunday...partnerless...-sad- There's probably more to say but for now that's all. edit: I havn't posted in yonks but for some reason yesterday I had 18 pageviews...-confused- Love, BeD; 7:05 PM |
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