-cue hip thrusting- haha oh the good old days x)
Sorry for the extended non blog.
I've been...distracted....and busy (not really ==)...and lazy D;
Shoutout to IJGK'd people who seem to read but never get anything out of this blog TT
I'm sorry....
On that note I want to write something that's long overdue:
Dear IJGK'd,
I miss you guys so much.
I'm sorry...that I don't really live up to my part in the crew.
Heck, sometimes I don't even know if I have the right to be considered part of it.
I don't dance with u guys...for excuses that don't really...shouldn't be there.
I love dance...and yet I distance myself.
It actually makes me really upset that I've missed out on so many performances and events...on that note I'm REALLY sorry to Dabido and Whitney for missing the bday outing =(
Not being able to dance with the crew...it makes me really sad...just...yeah.
I havn't been contributing to the facebook page, blog or anything.
Essentially I havn't been doing my duty.
And it's not obligation...it's more like...I want to do something more for the crew but all I've been doing is neglecting it.
I'm so sorry.
I love all you guys, and it was an honour to be part of it from the very beginning (WOOT UPSTAGED!)
And when I dance with you guys, I really feel like I'm part of something special.
Cos essentially, it is.
And it makes me so happy I want to hug you guys all that, even though I don't show my face or attend rehearsal for god knows how long, when I come to visit or dance again you guys take me back in and help me so much without even hesitating.
I love IJGK'd...and I promise that I'll make it up to you guys after this stupid test....thing...called the HSC....fml T_T
I havn't cooked anything for the crew before so maybe baking something =DD (...you won't die of food poisoning...no way...xD)
(but seriously...u won't D<)
I hope that soon I'll be able to dance with u guys all again!
On a more emo note though, I don't like who I've become.
I want to become a better person...
My two-facedness bothers me a lot. I saw a prime example today, and to the person (people) who were subject to it, I'm sorry. So much that I want to cry (i've been crying a lot nowadays...emotional wreck ==")
I just want to become a more genuine and sincere person.
The change was bad. If I denied that I'd just be...in denial ==;; And more importantly, changing in front of this person stemmed from a certain emotion that I want to rid myself of anyway. I don't forget. You don't give me reason to forget either. I just...I let my eyes and mind get the better of me when I feel only slightly like a chime. Cos inevitably...it sometimes...not much...feels like that. I know also that it's mostly my fault...if not all. And I also know that if you're reading this you'd tell me not to pin the blame on anyone cos it won't help anything. Or maybe I got it wrong again O_O. I think, I just...when I don't feel trusted...my judgement flies out the window. It's not logical...I'm not a logical person. As someone else expressed in terms of themself, and I'm saying this because it's not fair that only she can use this phrase as a justification, I'm a fucked up person. I am. I think I try to play it off like I'm innocent and considerate and shit but really...I'm calculating...always comparing myself with other people to determine my own place in the scheme of things. I'm self-motivated, even if I try to do the opposite.
I want to live up to that description you made of me. The defining quality that you hold so dear about me. Because, and I know you see it too, I'm not always like that. I'm just as insincere and sarcastic and frustratingly vague as you don't like in other people. I want to be able to be that person who you value so much, that makes me different in your eyes. Because...I want to stay special to you. Yes, it's a very selfish notion. And yes, my motivations are a bit misguided (although I DO want to change for myself too). But seeing you...trying to be the best that you can be for other people, it inspires me. I want to become the best I can be, and not always have a different thought brewing in my mind or heart that what's coming out my mouth or being done. It's all I can do...to change myself and catch up with how far ahead you're running, when it comes to the quality of people.
I'm not very articulate. Or coherent. I just realised how messed up this all sounds TT Forgive me...
I also need to stop comparing myself to everybody. Because its the basis of my insecurity and lack of confidence. It's a problem. I wish I could be the same person all the time as when I'm dancing (not the slut D; Not THAT side of err...the coin...@_@). Elena said that the routine for Smack You was very empowering (-hug-), and it's true. But it's not just that routine that I feel this. It's not even the people that I dance with...because I know that I danced fine without people i knew for a long time before IJGK'd and Carmen and Elena and NSGB dancers co. came along (although of course it helps to feel a part of something). It's more that, I feel so sure of myself. Even if I make the wrong turn, take a wrong step, put up the wrong hand at the wrong time (poetically symbolic ==") I could still feel safe and know what I'm doing is going in the right direction. Why am I so easily swayed by words and actions of every other sort? I want to be able to be that person...with my own style...my own reasons for what I do and not feel....afraid of being judged or being seen as/being less that certain people. And if I get knocked down or turned back or sidelined in favour or someone/thing else, I'll just pick up these pieces of myself and keep going at my own pace ('just keep swimming~ just keep swimming~' >< Nemo ref.) because I'm better than moping in a corner 'feeling sorry for myself'' (not a stab btw...to particular person...cos it IS true to a certain extent....only sometimes ><) or stepping back and allowing things I don't like seeing to happen or feeling disappointed because I didn't get what I want and consequently not taking no for an answer. I am not a child. (even if I act like one T_T) and I won't settle for making way for other people.
I'm going to fight.
(WOW I jsut realised what a load of bullshit that sounds like...as in probs no one understands what I'm on about anwyayz xD...even for people who know exactly what I'm referring to...MAN I have shet articulation LOL)
And now...I'm going to write a letter/record a video for someone who I have a LOT to say to...potentially...maybe...if I have the guts =="
And that ends my long essay rant.
I'm sorry that my life is not interesting enough to write about xD LIke my day to day...I'm just not bothered xP
Shoutout to Kelvin for listening to me rant about the most above stuff,
and also Bella who I have a lot to thank for and also need to have a long talk to about stuff xD -cue D&M-
And also to Angeline who still has my purple Upstaged shirt LOL!
And to Elena cos I know you will be very happy I blogged xD -hug-
And to Kwaanduck who found a job at Boost (YAYY~! CONGRATS!)
And to Sabbers who should stay off the [cookie] shots...yes there are further implications =\ =(
And to Gary who I think I am starting to annoy in class D; ごめんね。。。本当に煩すぎだね。。。楽しくてがまんできなくて。。。もういやな事になってしまった。これから、ちゃんと自分をコントロルするよ~。
And to Evan for always putting up with my horrible impersonations and jokes and bad sitting habits in class LOL.
And to Elaine cos I know you're reading this and will probs (or am I flattering myself TT) comment in my cbox <3
And to David So who is my GOD! (even though he is a youtube celeb and will NEVER read this...BUT! I love him to bits x3)
I LOVE MY BRO! KEV I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! <33333 EVEN IF YOU ARE A PUFFY EYED CYCLOPS RIGHT NOW! I picked out his formal tie btw buahahahaha >] (<----creeper)
And that reminds me (WTF HOW MUCH MORE TANGETIAL CAN U GET WOMAN ==") I finally got a black skinny tie ;3 ...When I'll wear/need it I have NO idea but...HEY! =DDDDDD ....I have no justification xD
<3 see u guys