3 months to Two.
Sorry for forgetting =( and yes I won't lie, I forgot T_T
But -chu- as quoteth about 1 year and 10 months ago:
God, I love you ><' =)
ATAR estimate ~ 92.30
Bit of work to do, but Melky says I can defs get it up to at least 95.
*Must pull up maths to at least a mark of 85 (REDO, REVISE, REMEMBER!) <-- I made that one up xD -proud-
*Then pull up my Eng Ext to a 40-ish. (Must read the readers and revise poems, and do lots of research!) MUST READ WUTHERING HEIGHTS BY NEXT LESSON! And also...find new related material?
*Modern was a Band 6 90, but I'm not so confident with Cold War cos I've been sleeping in class, so again, READ THE READERS and go through all the notes...AND DO THE WEEKLY WRITING TASKS I'VE MISSED! Oh and go through the Modern textbooks you've bought~
*Hist Ext, everyone got 50, which I'm worried will go down a lot when it comes to the exam, so again, LOTS OF RESEARCH, and read lots of books for the project, and GET STARTED ON THE DRAFT!
*Eng Adv confident with the mark I have, as in I can defs maintain it...but I still need to reach a bit further to get the Band 6. Hovering at an 88, so just 2 more marks will make HEAPS of difference~!! Also need to find more substantial related material for Belonging!
*Jap cont, disappointed cos I could do so much better. It's not even a Band 6 and this is supposedly meant to be my 'best subject'. So I can defs get it up if I work harder for the next assessment, and read up on grammar and vocab...ESPECIALLY grammar!! KNOW YOUR STRUCTURES!
*Jap ext is particularly worrying cos Mizoshiri full massacred me at Parent Teacher interviews. CAPABLE but needs the effort and stop spreading myself across extracurricular stuff and mobile phone so much. SO! Must watch news EVERY NIGHT (when possible) to keep up with world news, and also collect articles and material for portfolio! And do heaps of practice writing tasks and COLLATE VOCAB! GOSH!
And that is the way the cookie crumbles.
Melks says 60% of the equation is left...so that 60% I cannot let go to waste or go down the drain with my mobile phone bill (LOL!)
SHIEEEEEEEEEEEEEET have nto done yearbook page yet and NEED TO DO IT BY TOMOZ NIGHT LATEST?! What do i put for a profile page?! how do I do it!?!?! <--- photoshop noob
And...Need to finish choree-ing for Snr challenge so that we can defs have all the choree down by next week latest, then it gives us 2 weeks to polish and organise and do formations!!
AND! If I'm gonna order books I NEED TO DO IT SOON! Or else the ones for school will come after exams! T_T
-Hamlet York Notes
-Hamlet No Fear Shakespeare
-An Antic Disposition by Alan Gordon
-Nationalism and Gender by Chizuko Ueno
-Rurouni Kenshin Vizbig Volumes 3, 5, 6, 8, 9
And there's probably other stuff I need to remind myself of too...but I really can't rack my brain and remember anything right now T_T
P.S. btw to Tina, I'm so sorry I couldnt be there at lunch cos I had a lunchtime class =( HAPPY 17th MY AWESOME SQUISHIE! -hug-
*Note: I cleaned out a mountain of old clothes from like 10 years ago onwards from my closet the other day, as well as all my existing handbags. The last step has nowbeen taken as I finally empty my beige bag that I took to AFS... LOL